Key Facts ISIN GRF000504008 Base currency € Inception date 14.10.2024 Net Asset Value €16,097,210.29 Net Unit price €10.0415 Reference Date 16.01.2025 Benchmark The M/F has no benchmark Management company Optima asset management MFMC Custodian PIRAEUS BANK SA Fees and Expenses Pricing policy Table Information material Fact Sheet Key information document (KID) Prospectus Regulation Past performances Monthly performance scenarios Investment List Asset Composition Table
Investment objective The Fund aims to achieve a return based on its investment policy, derived from both income and capital appreciation, mainly through investments in a diversified portfolio of bonds denominated in Euro. Investment policy In order to achieve its investment objective, the Fund invests at least 65% of its net asset value in bonds, on average quarterly. Additionally, the Fund may invest in deposits, money market instruments, other securities, UCITS and other collective investment undertakings of par. 1(e) of article 59 of Law 4099/2012, and does not intend to invest in stocks. The Fund invests its assets mainly in a portfolio of government and corporate bonds, listed either in the domestic market or in regulated markets abroad. Also, the Fund aims to make the best possible use of its cash by investing it in interest-bearing investments in the form of fixed-term deposits and other related money market instruments. In the context of effective management and/or hedging of the risk of its assets, the Fund may take long or short positions in derivative instruments on bonds. Investor profile The Fund mainly targets investors with a 2 year horizon seeking income through a diversified bond portfolio consisting mainly of bond issues denominated in Euro, willing to take a corresponding level of investment risk.
Performance calculation Loading… From: October 2024 MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 4030123456 4178910111213 4214151617181920 4321222324252627 4428293031123 4545678910 Today JanFebMarApr MayJunJulAug SepOctNovDec OKCancel Loading… To: January 2025 MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 01303112345 026789101112 0313141516171819 0420212223242526 05272829303112 063456789 Today JanFebMarApr MayJunJulAug SepOctNovDec OKCancel Loading… Amount: Initial net price: Invalid value Final net price: Invalid value Cumulative return: Invalid value Average annual return: Invalid value Initial investment amount: Invalid value Final investment amount: Invalid value - The average annual return is suggested for calculation periods longer than one year. - If the dates which appear in the above table are different from the ones you have entered, it is attributed to their adjustment to the latest available net unit price. Additionally, if the initial calculation date selected concerns a period before the Fund’s inception date, then the system will show the results from the Fund’s inception date (initial net unit price).
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