Loading… In relation to the risk you wish to undertake as well as the return you seek from your investment, you may select among the below portfolio types: 1. Conservative portfolio: Bonds 85% - Equities 15% 2. Balanced fund: Bonds 50% - Equities 50% 3. Growth portfolio: Bonds 20% - Equities 80% 1. Conservative portfolio Mutual Fund Percentage Optima smart cash bond fund (R) 70% Optima greek balanced fund (R) 30% 2. Balanced fund Mutual Fund Percentage Optima greek balanced fund (R) 40% Optima smart cash bond fund (R) 30% Optima hellenic equity fund (R) 30% 3. Growth portfolio Mutual Fund Percentage Optima hellenic equity fund (R) 70% Optima greek balanced fund (R) 20% Optima smart cash bond fund (R) 10% For the creation of your own portfolio, follow the steps below: 1. Select portfolio type: Conservative portfolioBalanced fundGrowth portfolio 2. Select between a domestic investment portfolio or an international investment portfolio: Domestic investment portfolioGlobal investment portfolio 3. Insert the total amount you wish to invest: Investment amount: Next
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